
I know I haven’t written in a while, but there hasn’t been much to write. I’ve continued to feel nauseated, headachy, and sleepy, albeit in lesser amounts, as always. It’s getting a little bit better, but that means that I finally was able to get to some laundry today, though not kitchen cleaning.

We had our first appointment at the birth center today. We went over medical history, opted for combined test for a couple of genetic things, and had a lot of trying to figure out “due dates” and “how far along I am”. (Apparently, they could backwards from the due date, and things get kinda screwy. We’ll manage it.)

And despite the fact that I’m only 10 weeks (9.5, by their measure), they gave the doppler a try. At first, we didn’t get anything, but within about 10 seconds, there was a very clear “whoosh, whoosh, whoosh” over the speaker. No picture, of course, since it was not a regular ultrasound, but still rather amazing. Freaking weird giggly amazing, at this point still.

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One Response
  1. Loretta says:

    This is all very, very exciting.

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